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Everyone’s journey around being connected, heard and fulfilled/creating impact is completely different. One important area to explore is any "traumas" you have had in these three areas. What counts as a trauma for you could be overlooked for someone else. Answer these questions and remember that some of these experiences may apply to you and some won’t.
Have you ever achieved something at the expense of losing something else that you valued dearly?
Did anything painful happen to you around trying to fulfill your purpose? People saying they don’t believe “it’s possible”, or being rejected/ridiculed for dreaming big? Feeling isolated with no one to support your dreams?
Have you been through a separation, divorce or major relational loss? How did that affect your beliefs around connection and people?
Was there ever a time when someone ripped you off or betrayed you while creating or doing something of high impact?
Has stepping out and taking a risk ever wound up costing you a lot of money?
Have you missed specific opportunities you know were meant for you to do? E.g. man with the blueprint.
Have you ever failed publicly in a way that you haven’t been able to forget?