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On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this program to a friend
Selected Value:
NOTE FOR NEXT QUESTION: You will receive an error message until you check a box for EACH row of the question. The error message will go away once EACH question has been answered either "Yes" or "No"
Do you have more clarity on exactly what God is asking you to focus on right now?
Are you more confident about living out your calling(s) long-term?
Are you more connected to God in a spiritual and practical, daily sense?
Are you more in control of your thoughts and their effect on your relationships, spirituality and your work?
Are you more aware of how to connect the work you do to God, your calling and overall purpose?
More at peace? *
What 3 adjectives would you use to describe your experience in PURPOSE: The Master Key these past 8 weeks?
What had you tried before joining PURPOSE: The Master Key?
How has your relationship with God, mind, and focus been positively impacted as a result of being in PURPOSE: The Master Key? Please be specific. Tell us about the impact on your walk with God, your mind, health, relationships, levels of stress, confidence, clarity… anything that comes to mind.
Have you taken inspired action in any areas of your calling? Please be specific
Have you seen God at work in any specific way since starting PURPOSE: The Master Key, if so how?
Who in your life has noticed the changes in you? Tell us about that!
What were you struggling with before joining this program? Please complete this sentence: Before joining PURPOSE: The Master Key, the man/woman I used to be was...
Tell us about who you are now. Please complete this sentence: The man/woman I am now is...
What was your favourite outcome or part of PURPOSE: The Master Key?
What would you say to someone else who is considering getting started in Purpose the MAster Key?
Lastly: Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve or what could have made this program better for you?