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My Goal Income
Write down the income you’d like to make each month. Don’t choose an outlandish number, pick a number that you really would like to earn even if you don’t know right now how you’ll make it happen or when you would ever make it happen. If the rest of the exercise triggers nothing in your mind, then consider setting a higher goal
Now write this statement out below, completing the blank with the number you just wrote above: I’m currently making $______ or more every single month.
How do you FEEL when you write that statement? What emotions come up?
Where do you feel it in your body? (tightness chest, knot stomach, etc.)
My Earning Potential
Underneath, write down "I earn $____ every single month."
Then, write whatever comes to mind. It can be logical, it can be ridiculous, it can be ANYTHING.You may have one thought or a few each time. Then write your earning statement AGAIN above (it's important to write it out each time) and what comes to mind. Do this at least 15times
My Earning Potential
Underneath, write down "I earn $____ every single month."
Then, write whatever comes to mind. It can be logical, it can be ridiculous, it can be ANYTHING.You may have one thought or a few each time. Then write your earning statement AGAIN above (it's important to write it out each time) and what comes to mind. Do this at least 15times
My Earning Declaration–Second Person
Underneath write down "You earn $____ every single month." This time it's in second person. Imagine someone else is telling YOU that's what you earn.
Then, write whatever comes to mind. Do this at least 15 times.