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Were there times where you were told to fit a specific mold re: gender expectations or birth order or compared with siblings? Do more? Do less?
Did anyone in your family have a favorite saying or expression about life? E.g. Life is hard; just get your bills paid; save; stop living in a bubble; stop being over spiritual etc
Do you recall any arguments, dissatisfaction or anger related to work and fulfillment in your family? (You’re too busy etc)
What did you learn about life and purposeful living by watching your mom and dad? (NOT words, watching).
What messages did you hear about following your dreams or calling as a child?
Were there open, encouraging conversations but in reality, restrictions around following through on your dream role in society?
How were roles and expectations of responsibility handled in your family? What were your parent’s expectations for you? Was one parent a dreamer and the other not?
Outside Influences
Were there any other key figures in your life like teachers, relatives, caregivers where you can recall any particular messaging or experiences around your ability to live out your purpose?