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My Money Traumas | Money And Me
Everyone’s money story is completely different. One important area to explore is any "traumas"you havehad related to money. What counts as a trauma for you could be overlooked for someone else. Answer these questions but remember that some of these experiences may apply to your current financial situation and some may not.
Did one of your parents lose a job at any point that changed your family’s income level?
Did anything painful happen to you around money? Have you had any betrayal related to finances?
Have you been through a separation or divorce where you feel you lost a lot of your net worth?
Was there ever a time when someone ripped you off or stole from you? Anything -a cab driver, friend, etc.
Have investment decisions ever wound up costing you a lot of money?
Have there been any experiences that resulted in significant loss of money? Any memories to do with money that pop into your head? Note them below.