settings"Before I met Toyin, I was completely stuck financially and I felt hopeless about seeing any real long-lasting change. I am a leader in my sphere and both myself and my husband had great jobs. Things looked good but we were struggling... seriously. I was always worried about how to make the money reach the end of the month because no matter how much we earned, somehow the money always found a way out. We had tried financial seminars, new budgets, we had even consolidated loans to "start over" but each time we would go back to square one.
I came across Toyin's videos and when I heard her talk about breaking out of long-term negative financial patterns and changing how we THINK about money and act with money, I thought that maybe this would be different and I was sooooo right. Within a matter of weeks, Toyin, Taryn and their team completely transformed our mindsets around money, our habits and our financial trajectory. It's been 5 months since working with them and we have paid off over $80,000 worth of debt!!! We are living within our budget AND enjoying our lives! We have extra savings and investments for the first time ever. I can finally focus on building other dreams instead of constantly worrying about how to make ends meet. But most of all, the bugs and stress that used to crawl around in my stomach is gone and I don't carry that stress anymore. I am so grateful for Toyin and her team's support, wisdom and love." -- Lisia S.