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119 Money Roadblocks
Read through all of the money beliefs below. Rate each one of them as a percentage from 0-100 on how much that belief feels true to you. Don’t judge or question your initial reaction, don’t try to give the “right answer”,just write down the first number that comes to mind.
1. There isn’t enough money for everyone to be rich.
% Agreement
2. Money goes out faster than it comes in.
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3. Money destroys important relationships.
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4. It's admirable and virtuous to live on very little.
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5. I shouldn't have more money than I really need.
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6. Making money is hard.
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7. Money is there to be spent.
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8. Money is in short supply.
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9. Money only comes from hard work.
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10. It is a sin to have a lot of money.
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11. You can't get something for nothing.
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12. There's never enough money to go around.
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13. Some people just have all the luck.
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14. I need money first in order to make more money.
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15. Striving for more money will cause nothing but stress.
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16. I do not want others to know how much I have.
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17. At this rate, I doubt I will ever make the money I want to.
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18. More money will just complicate everything.
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19. If you're rich you're a target.
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20. Money corrupts
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21. I’m not good enough at anything to make money.
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22. People in my profession aren’t well paid.
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23. Money is the root of all evil.
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24. The economy is bad so it’s hard to get clients.
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25. I have terrible luck.
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26. I can’t afford that...
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27. God doesn’t care about me.
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28. Rich people aren’t to be trusted.
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29. There is never enough.
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30. I hate paying bills.
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31. Money is tight right now.
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32. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
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33. To save money you have to go without.
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34. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
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35. You have to do things you don’t like to have money.
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36. If I was really smart I would be making good money by now.
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37. If people pay me for my services they’ll discover I’m a fraud.
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38. If something is easy for me to do, I shouldn’t charge much money for it.
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39. I don’t bring enough value to what I do to deserve the money I want to make.
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40. You shouldn’t talk about how much money you make.
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41. Rich people are greedy.
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42. Rich people are snobby.
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43. Rich people are self-centered.
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44. Given my past, it is too hard for me to make lots of money.
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45. People who are poor are good people.
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46. A penny saved is a penny earned.
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47. Money comes with way more worries.
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48. Money is not spiritual.
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49. Being poor is better than being rich.
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50. Money changes people.
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51. To get rich you have to take advantage of people.
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52. If you're rich in love, health and happiness you don’t need money.
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53. You need to save for a rainy day.
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54. I can’t make more money.
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55. Financial security comes from have a good, regular job with a steady paycheque.
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56. The more I have the more I can lose.
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57. Rich people have crappy relationships because they care more about money than other people.
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58. By being rich, I’ll prove myself.
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59. Dreamers get rich but I’m rational and a realist.
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60. It is dangerous to be rich.
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61. If I become rich that’s great...and if not that’s fine too.
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62. The more money I have the more problems I will have.
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63. I don't need to manage my money because I hardly have any.
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64. I don't feel good enough to be rich
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65. Why bother earning more when I will have to pay more tax?
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66. If I’m successful my friends will be jealous.
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67. If I make a lot of money I might lose sight of what’s important and not like the person I’ve become.
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68. I resent others who have lots of money.
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69. It is hard/impossible to make more money than I spend.
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70. The time is just not right for me to go for it financially.
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71. I don’t want to attract friends for the wrong reasons.
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72. I cannot manage money well.
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73. I don’t deserve to have money.
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74. It's not right to make more money than my mom or dad.
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75. I do not deserve success.
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76. I don’t have unique talents.
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77. I’ll probably just fail anyway.
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78. I don’t have what it takes to run a business.
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79. I am incompetent when it comes to money.
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80. I can’t budget well.
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81. I did not finish / go to college so I am doomed.
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82. Money falls through my fingers.
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83. I am always in debt.
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84. People will take advantage of me if I have money.
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85. My entire family was/is poor.
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86. I am too old to start making more money.
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87. It’s not okay for me to have nice things
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88. Rich people cheat and lie.
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89. I will become greedy if I have more money.
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90. I'm not educated enough to get rich.
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91. It's wrong to charge more.
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92. It’s not okay to have a lot of money when others are lacking.
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93. If I have more that means others will have less.
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94. It's not important to know how much money is in my bank account.
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95. I'm too young to get rich.
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96. It's so much more difficult as a man/woman/ethnic person to get rich.
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97. Why should people pay me? I don't have what it takes.
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98. If I want to be rich that means I’m selfish.
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99. If I’m successful people will hate me.
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100. I'm not capable enough to earn the money I want to make.
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101. I'm just not good with money.
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102. If I have lots of money then I am not a good person.
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103. Everything is so expensive and costs too much.
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104. Money is scarce.
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105. I can't promise results so I can’t charge more.
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106. Don’t ask for too much or you will be disappointed.
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107. I feel like a fraud / I’m not qualified enough.
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108. I'm not as good / capable as others who charge for the same thing I do.
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109. Having money is for other people and not for me.
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110. It's not appropriate to talk about money.
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111. Having a lot of money will make me stand out and I’ll lose my privacy.
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112. Charging a lot for your services is highway robbery.
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113. Financial success will mean working all the time.
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114. It's not possible for me to make money with ease.
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115. There are limits to how much money you can make.
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116. I must always be saving for the unexpected.
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117. Christians should be poor.
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118. Money means power and control.
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119. If I get rich I will abandon my values and lose myself.
% Agreement
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